Financial stability through regulation and oversight
Bloomberg helps central banks fulfill their oversight and regulatory responsibilities, including monitoring FX, fixed income and OTC markets in real time, and efficiently and securely collecting documents from outside firms to conduct KYC and AML due diligence. We also offer a real-time, event driven news feed.
Powerful solutions: Regulation & oversight
Bloomberg's comprehensive solutions enable central banks to act quickly and decisively to conduct open market operations, control risk, oversee markets and manage foreign reserves.
Our tools adapt to your needs and the markets — so you always remain on the cutting edge.
Maintaining efficient markets and financial stability is an increasingly important part of central banking. Whether fixed income or foreign exchange markets, Bloomberg's solutions have you fully covered.
Trading oversight and financial stability
Bloomberg provides a transactional surveillance tool (BTCA) across equities, futures, FX, fixed income and exchange traded derivatives. BTCA uses cutting-edge algorithms to sift through Bloomberg’s extensive suite of underlying market data to identify potential market abuses, manipulation and suspicious trading through automated or on demand reports.
The system can also accept an external trade feed which can be especially useful if the regulator has access to unpublished transaction reporting data.
Fixed income
Bloomberg E-Bond trading and market surveillance system, provides a complete, consolidated marketplace for government bonds, offering market participants a robust and flexible set of tools supporting the full trade workflow. In addition, it allows central banks to review market activity in real time with access to live pricing data across asset classes in both primary and secondary markets. Bloomberg can also act as a calculation agent for government fixed income interbank benchmark indices.
Foreign exchange
Bloomberg’s FX electronic trading and communication platform, FXGO, is the premier multi-bank FX trading platform, which provides powerful functionality for price takers to execute foreign exchange transactions with their bank relationships and allows regulators to have real-time visibility of market activity and greater oversight of the FX market.
Bloomberg currently acts in the capacity of as a Calculation Agents for a number of benchmark and fixing providers. Bloomberg is also the Administrator of the BFIX FX Benchmark, providing intra-day reference data across a large number of currencies around the globe. BFIX is fully aligned with the IOSCO Principles and is an established benchmark used across financial markets for a variety of purposes including: trade execution, index construction, settlements, and valuation purposes.
Banking sector
Bloomberg Intelligence (BI) puts a large group of market-leading analysts at the disposal of any banking regulator. Producing thematic research and daily analysis utilizing proprietary and officially released data, BI offers an unparalleled window into the health of any banking system, particularly if the sector has a heavy foreign-owned presence.
Bloomberg also offers powerful credit analysis tools, which allow a regulator to assess the health of a bank’s major borrowers and their distance to default using published data already contained within Bloomberg. Should the borrower be an entity that does not have published financial data, then a regulating entity can upload such private financials it may have access to.
Liquidity of assets
Bloomberg’s liquidity analysis tool is the ideal function to perform spot checks upon assets identified within a bank’s balance sheet as Level 2 A/B.
This can also be useful when assessing assets used for other purposes such as collateral.
Bloomberg’s KYC solutions provides central banks with the tools and services needed to manage risk and safely exchange information with the communities they regulate or with whom they conduct business with. Bloomberg Entity Exchange provides a centralized, secure platform to enable central banks to manage and receive and share data and documents with confidence.