This article was written by Nakul Nair, Data Science Specialist at Bloomberg.
There are about 4,700 ESG funds that are focused on equity investing, which manage around $4 trillion in assets. This makes equity the largest and most popular asset class within the ESG space. Nearly double the abundance and AUM of its two nearest rivals – fixed income and mixed allocation focused funds.
A strong performance profile likely makes equity focused ESG funds very desirable. We examined this in our first blog, ESG funds: What makes for good performance? Given their popularity and performance, this next blog in our ESG Playbook series uses Bloomberg’s Funds Data Solution to analyze the characteristics of top-performing equity focused ESG funds. We look at the impact of market focus, scores correlation, cost, and leaders versus improvers on a fund’s bottom line.
1. Funds that focus on specific markets fare better than ones with a global remit
We examined the 3-year total annualized returns by geographic focus for regions that have over 100 funds. These returns were benchmarked to the following indices: Japan – Nikkei 225, Europe – Euro Stoxx Index, U.S. – S&P 500 Index, Multi/Global/International – World Index since they represent an easily accessible investment alternative for investors.
Starting with absolute returns, it is clear from Figure 1 that funds focusing on specific markets like Japan, US, or Europe generated better returns than their multi-region counterparts. Of these, Japanese funds have generated the best returns, followed by Europe and then the US.