Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices represent $50 trillion in notional value across more than 100,000 indices. They are the most widely used objective and rules-based fixed income benchmarks to measure risk and returns. Launched by Kuhn Loeb in 1973, then managed by Lehman Brothers, Barclays and now Bloomberg, the indices are entering the next generation of unparalleled transparency and access with the vast distribution channels of Bloomberg. These indices would become the standard for fixed income investors seeking objective, rules-based benchmarks.
Over time, Bloomberg has expanded its index offerings beyond fixed income. These innovative solutions were all designed to handle the myriad challenges that buy-side investors contend with daily, including higher thresholds of accountability, increased investors sophistication, widespread innovation and cost pressures.
The index business maintains a competitive edge in five core disciplines: data, pricing, analytics, distribution and research. Bloomberg’s expertise in each pillar gives investors leverage in managing current headlines and looking ahead.