Russia-Ukraine war changes global LNG price and trade dynamics
JKM-TTF price evolution and potential US LNG imports into BNEF’s Europe Perimeter
Source: BloombergNEF, CME, Bloomberg Terminal. Note: Europe here is BNEF’s Europe Perimeter and includes Northwest Europe and Italy.
Europe's role as a balancing region for the global LNG market has shifted dramatically. As the continent looks to replace Russian gas, the function of being a balancing market is no longer viewed as the norm for Europe; instead, the market will see aggressive competition between the European TTF and Asian JKM price benchmarks to attract the necessary LNG.
Europe's flexible LNG capabilities drove the TTF-JKM price spread in previous years. Those dynamics have now been challenged by market forces such as Russian supply cuts, minimal coal-to-gas switching potential in the power sector based on the current futures curve and mandates placed on gas storage build-up. Gas price volatility is expected to continue in the medium term.
Flexible LNG supply refers to LNG supply available above destination-specific contract demand levels. BNEF assumes that destination-specific contracts will be given the highest priority from a plant and project’s perspective and will be allocated first. Portfolio players will then satisfy contract demand from customers that they have portfolio supply deals with. Thereafter, portfolio players are left with portfolio supply that is considered ‘flexible supply’. In addition, any excess production from LNG plants above contract commitment levels is also considered ‘flexible supply’ volume.
Flexible supply is expected to grow five times faster than total global LNG supply, at an average rate of 18% per year from 2022-26. Expiring contracts from Europe and the Americas are the main driver for this growth, freeing up supply in the Atlantic. Contracted demand from Asia, the Middle East and Africa is projected to remain relatively stable, growing a modest 3% over the period.
Source: BloombergNEF. Note: ‘Others’ include demand from bunkering, new import markets and operational losses. Supply considers sanctioned projects as of May 2022.
Source: BloombergNEF. Note: JKT is Japan, Korea and Taiwan. ‘Others’ includes Middle East, Americas, Africa, other Asian markets and bunkering. Figure is demand based on normal weather (10-year average) and current futures prices.
Source: BloombergNEF. Note: Northwest Europe refers to France, the UK, Netherlands and Belgium. ‘Other Europe’ is Portugal, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Malta, Sweden, Finland, Gibraltar, Norway, Croatia, Russia, Gibraltar and Cyprus.
Source: BloombergNEF, Bloomberg Terminal’s AHOY JOURNEY. Note: ‘MEA’ refers to Middle East and Africa, PNG refers to Papua New Guinea, Eq. Guinea refers to Equatorial Guinea, UAE refers to United Arab Emirates. Mauritania includes Tortue FLNG, which is on the maritime border of Mauritania and Senegal. Numbers are rounded.