In this post, we discuss several significant trends and areas of investment that buy-side firms must consider as they seek to optimize their compliance regime, as they address the increasingly fast-moving and assertive regulatory landscape they operate in.
Key buy-side compliance challenges
A recent survey conducted by Waters Technology found that when asked to identify their greatest compliance challenges, 52% of buy-side firms reported that their processes were too manually intensive and lacked automation.
Forty-two percent stated they needed help understanding the minutiae of regulations and translating them to technologies and workflows. Additionally, 39% felt poor accuracy and reliability due to fragmented, legacy or proprietary systems presented a significant challenge.
As these results show, buy-side compliance teams face significant challenges. Today, many buy-side firms rely on legacy solutions built on less sophisticated technology designed to function in a simpler, less demanding regulatory environment. Such technology, which often operates in siloes, leads to inefficiencies, including manually updating each system as regulations change. All of this adds up to direct or indirect costs in the form of human time, technology inefficiencies, or unaddressed risks.
To better operate in today’s environment and prepare for what’s over the horizon, buy-side firms must take a different approach.