With more investors looking for sustainable options in the markets, ESG’s star is well and truly rising. The jury is still out, however, when it comes to corporate ESG data accessibility and quality, how investors should gauge and manage risk, and whether the world’s most powerful financial institutions are truly as dedicated to sustainability as they claim.
In this report on ESG and sustainable financing, we take a closer look at the sector’s data landscape, and explore why more consistency, reliability and transparency is urgently needed to address investor and regulatory concerns that could limit the market’s ability to grow.
We also talk with Amitav Borkakoty, Standard Chartered’s global head of Risk Governance and Enterprise Risks, about the bank’s approach to managing ESG and sustainability risks, how things have changed pre- and post-COVID-19, and what to keep an eye on as the ESG risk space continues to evolve.
Finally, we share what was behind the request from a coalition of investors overseeing $4 trillion in assets that banks take more aggressive action in addressing climate change and biodiversity decline, as well as reporting on some of the other game-changers in ESG investing.
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