Whether trading in the repo or securities lending market, Bloomberg’s global client network trusts our front office tools to conduct thousands of transactions on a daily basis.
This front office network, combined with a trade reporting workflow that captures critical SFTR trade data, is essential for SFTR compliance.
Our SFTR solutions will enable firms to:
1. Generate a fully enriched record of all 92 data fields required for a new trade (and all 163 potentially required fields) through our voice, e-trading and RHUB solutions. Critical fields include:
2. Solve the SFTR data capture and trade reporting using existing workflows in the front office.
3. Leverage 'one-way matching' of trade data and eliminate costly data-matching errors.
4. Automate manual workflows that require data entry across multiple platforms.
5. Utilize agnostic trade reporting system through RHUB that can connect to numerous 3rd party Trade Repositories.
Bloomberg has built upon its existing data, analytics, order management, transaction and trade reporting solutions, and trading platforms, to partner with financial institutions impacted by SFTR.
We provide a holistic suite of solutions, from front to back-office, that both integrate seamlessly and work independently.
For firms using our electronic trading platform, TOMS
For firms using our voice trading solutions, including MSG, IB, and VCON
Trade reporting
Bloomberg’s multi-asset class Reporting Hub (RHUB) connects to TRs to report SFT transactions on behalf of the user. RHUB’s User Interface helps firms manage the statusof their reports.
Data enrichment
The current model is to pass data from various inputs to RHUB, which then enriches the data. SFT data can be passed through to RHUB from other systems via an API.
Bloomberg provides a unique set of generic SFT tickers which will be central to the capture of SFTR data schema, including static data, from pre-trade to post-trade processes. Bloomberg also offers the possibility to tickerize individual SFT trades.
Client outreach
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