Reporting controls. RegTek assurance
Bloomberg’s RegTek Assurance provides a comprehensive, independent SFTR reporting control framework for firms, regardless of their chosen reporting solution or the complexity of their workflow. Developed to help clients meet regulatory demands for robust, proactive controls, RegTek Assurance offers the transparency and accessible regulatory intelligence needed to drive confidence in the quality of your reporting — and reduce the risk of unwanted regulatory scrutiny.
Quality, remediation, completeness & accuracy
Validate.Trade Comprehensive rules engine used as a parallel/pre-submission control to validate the accuracy of reporting via regulatory rules. Plus, get enhanced reporting quality and custom client rules. Load.Trade Intelligent remediation solution, integrated with Validate.Trade, to ensure pre-reporting accuracy, reduce data quality errors and streamline back reporting and back loading.
Reportable.Trade Independent completeness surveillance to identify over/under reporting and duplicates, and verify delegated reporting for buy side firms. Reconcile.Trade
Turnkey regulatory reconciliations with exception management workflow to verify reporting accuracy, providing two- or three-way matching with maintained integrations to leading reporting venues.
RegTek Assurance benefits
• Automation of manual processes with flexible integration options. • Full transparency on rules, reporting workflows and audit trail. • Long-term commitment to maintaining and expanding regulatory rules coverage. • Market verified: benefit from the collective experience of our client community. • Scalable solutions offering real-time, on-demand or EOD batch workflows.