Section 1 >The new regulatory challenge faced by EU firms
Section 2 >Regulatory scope and reporting requirements
Section 3 >Bloomberg's SFTR solutions:
As the requirements for trade and transaction reporting expand across asset classes and jurisdictions, and regulators mandate tighter trade reporting windows and quality controls, market participants face a significant challenge to remain compliant. While firms continue to adopt new technology and processes to be compliant with existing regulations, many must turn their sight to the upcoming Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR).
SFTR will come into effect in 2020 and is likely to have significant impact on the SFT market as firms look to capture all the data required for reporting under the regulation.
The product development teams at Bloomberg have been working very closely with impacted clients to build scalable enterprise solutions that can provide efficiency for trading workflows, from execution and matching to reporting, with certainty that transactions are accurately reported to Trade Repositories.
This guide will give you a better understanding of the requirements, timelines, and scope of SFTR, as well as a description of the various enterprise solutions Bloomberg is further developing its solutions to help our clients meet this upcoming regulatory challenge.